Thursday, January 15, 2009

MMA and First Responder Strength and Conditioning Training

First responders and MMA fighters have the same physical needs to be successful. They need full body explosive power and strength, maximum endurance, and the mental toughness to continue on when you’re up against it and things get extremely difficult, in the first responders case, life threatening. Here's an example given to me by a detective we've had training at the gym. He had to chase a guy down a street one night. It was at least a 1/4 mile sprint. After the 1/4 mile chase he has to subdue the punk with his heart rate through the roof. There's no rest. There's no timeouts.. There's no "Hey asshole, can we take a minute to catch our breath before I try to get these cuffs on you?".. Same thing with MMA. These guys have to go 5 minutes at a time at a super high intensity with no rest. They get 1 minute between rounds to catch their breath. Anybody who's done some of the workouts at my gym where I give you very limited rest knows how difficult this is. One thing is for certain, all else being equal, the person with better strength endurance will be successful. 

At Dynamic Strength and Conditioning we are now offering the only program of its kind in a gym. I've set aside 5 sessions a week open only to first responders and martial artists. These sessions are customized specifically to build strength endurance and explosive power that will translate directly to performance in the field or on the mat. This is done with high intensity functional strength training. Bodyweight training, kettlebells, ropes, tires, sandbags. No machines, no isolation exercises, and absolutely no bullshit workouts that will only help you look better in a mirror (for example, workouts like bi's and tri's, or quads and calves, or whatever else all the posers like to do  to get pumped up at the chrome and fern palaces like Planet Fatness). You will come to the gym and work your entire body harder than you ever have and you will definitely feel the results. Check our website for more details. There is nothing else around like this. This program is the only group program customized specifically for first responder and MMA strength and conditioning training in the NH, MA area.. Come down now and start training your body the way it was meant to be used.

All the best,


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