Monday, January 12, 2009

Mix it up with compound exercises

One of the most effective ways to work your entire body is with compound exercises. These are any exercise where you go straight from one move to the next.. Kettlebells are perfect for this. You can mix swings with front squats with presses. Or snatches with overhead squats. Or burpees with renegade rows. This allows you to really blast your entire body by changing the focus of the movement from one kinetic chain to another to another. It builds great strength, endurance, coordination, and explosive power while increasing your range of motion and mobility. In this morning's workout I mixed kettlebell thrusters with windmills. The kettlebell thruster is a great ballistic movement that works the whole body in a very explosive way and the windmill is simply one of the top two or three core exercises you can do. 

I started out this morning with 20 minutes on the jump rope. The last 1o minutes I would do sets of 100 forward and 100 backwards without stopping. The sets consisted of 20 two footed jump, 20 one footed alternating hopping, 20 Ali Shuffle, 20 straddles and 20 double unders.. Awesome cardio workout. I followed this up with 100 kettlebell thruster windmills with a 20kg kettlebell. The whole workout took me about 35 minutes. I felt really great after this one! Give it a try..

All the best,

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