Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Great Workout Today

I was in need of a good butt-kicking today. Just one of those days.. But, I need to be careful with my forearm which is in the final stages of rehab with some Active Release Technique, Ultrasound, and Bikram Yoga. Tough to administer a proper beating when you have to be careful with your forearm. My A.R.T. doctor (Dr. Baroody in Manchester.. very good. go see him if you have overuse injuries) says I can do anything as hard as I want as long as it doesn't hurt.. That eliminates heavy kettlebell cleans and snatches and pullups. Luckily, I'm into functional strength training and my toolbox has about 1000 different exercises in it. For todays workout I pieced together a two part workout because I was strapped for time and didn't have two consecutive hours for what I had planned.. 

This morning I started out with the jumprope.. I went for 20 minutes, no breaks, alternating between going forwards and backwards, working in crossovers, skiers, straddles, shuffles, hopping, sets of as many as 50 doubles. I finished the 20 minutes with two 500 revolution sets for speed with my beaded power jump rope from Lifeline. It weighs about a pound and isn't the easiest rope to use for real speed jumping. I did 500 revolutions forward in 2:58 and 500 backwards in 2:54.. Both new personal bests. After the 20 minutes of jumprope I did one set of 500 Hindu Squats.. With legs burning I was off to my A.R.T. appointment in Manchester..

This afternoon I started out with a 50 minute ride on my bike on the rollers. I got off the rollers and put together a killer upper body circuit that included:
Ring pushups with full superman
Jackknifes (V-ups)
Ring Dips
double clubbell shield cast with my homemade 10 pound clubbells. Great exercise for shoulder mobility, core strength and grip strength.. I did 4 rounds of this circuit in a 40:20 work:rest ratio.. Great day of full body conditioning and zero pain to my forearm :)   I'll be snatching the 44kg in no time!! 



Ryan said...

Nice Kevin! I like the ring pushups with full superman. Looks tough.Hopefully I'll see that in the next spartan workout!
Be Well

Buck said...

Haha.. Funny you mention that. I was thinking how much you guys would like that one next Tuesday night :)