Thursday, September 4, 2008

first workout in the new gym

I was working in the gym yesterday getting it ready for the Sept 27 opening and I hadn't had a chance to workout yet.. My girlfriend Michele was there painting windows and our friend Rick from the Wasserman Park FIT class had stopped by to help paint. Rick is so psyched about the new gym that he actually quit his job just so he would have time to help us get ready for the grand opening (well, not really, but it's very cool that people are stopping by to help out).  Anyway, they had the painting well under control so I grabbed my jump rope and started into my workout.. Wasn't sure what I was going to do.. I kind of figured it out while I was warming up on the jump rope. Here's what I came up with.. I completed a circuit that included the following:
- 500 jump rope revolutions, mixing in forward/backward, crossovers, doubles, different footwork.
- 20 pseudo Planche pushups.. i'm working on getting to a full planche pushup where you do pushups with your entire body off the ground in a Planche position.. for now, i'm doing the pushups in sets of 20 while pushing with my hands down around the hips. these get really difficult...
- 20 Pistols (one-legged bodyweight squats), 10 on each leg
- 40 feet of lateral handstand walking.. kick up into a handstand against the wall, facing away from the wall so your heels are against the wall and walk on my hands laterally 20 feet out and 20 feet back.

I went through this circuit 4x for a total of 2000 jumps, 80 pseudo-planche pushups, 80 pistols (new PR), 160 feet of handstand walking... I also mixed in some open floor handstand walking and at the very end i did as many doubles as i could on the jump rope without stopping.. i got to 74 before i couldn't turn the rope or jump off the floor anymore.. The Rolling Stones song "Shattered" was playing on the radio and that was pretty fitting at this point in the workout.. I gave it a great effort and the workout really energized me, which is exactly what I needed at this point in the day since I had to head right out and coach my daughter's soccer team.. Believe it or not, I had way more energy than a group of 9 year old girls :)

All the best,

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