Saturday, September 27, 2008

2 new PR today

Had a great workout at the gym this morning.. Well, not exactly in my gym. It was in the unit next to my gym where we moved all the equipment yesterday while the floor crew is in the gym finishing the floors.. Held a training session with Zach, who's a superb high school athlete trying to improve his core strength and vertical jump, and then I gave myself a good workout. Here's my workout for today:

warmed up with about 10 minutes of skipping rope and some handstand walking. then....
3x10 Turkish Getup with 24kg (5 each side)
3x40 secs battling ropes with a 2" rope.. This is done with a 40', 2" rope wrapped around a pole at the halfway point. Grabbing both ends of the rope you swing the rope overhead and down repeatedly to get the rope oscillating all the way into the pole. Do this as hard as you can for 40 seconds. Brutal!

I followed that up with:
5x20 pistols (10 each side)
5x20 hindu pushups
30 seconds rest between sets

the 30 TGU's with a 24kg was a personal best for me, as was the 100 pistols..

If you live in the area, pick up the Sunday Nashua Telegraph tomorrow. There's supposed to be an article featuring Dynamic Strength and Conditioning as an "alternative" means of fitness in the business section (i guess because we're a new business)....

Grand Opening pushed out to Monday Oct 13th.. Need a little more time to get it ready. Will be building the monkey bars this week. Very excited about having a gym with monkey bars!!

All the best,

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