Saturday, November 22, 2008

Workouts of the Week

A few great workouts from this week that I wanted to share...

Alternating 10's:
Picked two exercises and alternated between them for ten minutes..
1st set was walking lunges followed by Overhead Squats. I'd walk across the gym and back (~25 yds total) carrying double 16kg kettlebells. Then perform 5 OH squats on each arm with a 24kg kettlebell. Did 4 round trips, and on the last set of OH squats I did 10 on each side. 

2nd set was power wheel crawl across the gym and back and then flip over on my back and do 10 power wheel hamstring curls.. I did this 10 times in ten minutes. Last few minutes were pretty tough.

3rd set was alternating between 5 pullups on the rings, unassisted isometric pulls with chin over the rings. No kipping. Followed by a Turkish Getup on each side with 28kg. I got 5 rounds in 10 minutes.

Totals for workout:
34 minutes, 30 mins effort plus 2 mins rest between sets
100 yds walking lunges with 32kg
50 OH squats with 24kg
250 yds PW crawl
100 PW hamstring curls
25 pullups on the rings
10 Turkish Getup with 28kg

Workout #2 was mostly to feel out how my right forearm was doing after trying to take it easy for a couple weeks and also to start doing some work on long sets.. I decided I want to work towards achieving some World Kettlebell Club rankings which will require long sets of snatches and jerks.. For this workout I went light on the kettlebells but it was still a great workout from an endurance standpoint.
10 minutes of 1 arm snatch with 1 arm switch at 5 minutes.. 12kg kettlebell. 21o reps.
5 minutes of the jerk with double 16kg kettlebells.. 46 reps..  this was pretty brutal.. i have a long way to go with this exercise.
I haven't done a lot of long set work. It's very demanding on a physical and mental level. Your body starts screaming at you to put the weights down but you just have to push through it. It's tough, but it's a great workout, and you put up some huge repetitions which build awesome strength and endurance. Best thing about this workout today was that my forearm responded really well to it :)

Workout #3
5 sets of 100 2 arm KB swings with a 24kg followed by 10 ring dips. When I thought of this workout I was thinking about how many consecutive two arm swings it would take with a 24kg bell for it to start to suck, and then I doubled that number. As it turned out, getting to 50 wasn't so bad. But getting to 100, especially the 4th and 5th times, was definitely challenging. Doing long sets of swings really works your grip. Each set of 100 took 3 minutes. My forearms were really pumped at the end of these sets. The ring dip is a phenomenal exercise that works your upper body really hard. Anything you do on the rings is great for the whole body because the unstability factor will require you to engage a lot more muscles than if you do the same exercise on a fixed bar.. Totals for this workout:
510 24kg swings (I did 110 on the last set.... just for the hell of it)
50 ring dips

Sometimes it's fun to figure out how much work you did by figuring out how much weight you moved.. In doing 510 swings with a 24kg I raised 26,928 lbs!

Train hard,

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