Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another day in Sparta

Another Thursday night, another great Spartan workout... Today's workout was in a 40:20 work:rest ratio. Complete 6 circuits of:

Double Kettlebell Swing
D-Ball Clean and Press
Double Kettlebell Getup
Sledgehammer Strikes
Jump Rope/Heavy Bag.

Huge effort by Niko, Nicole, Eric, and Michele.. Also it was awesome to see CJ climbing the rope like it was nothing. The people coming to the gym are bringing great energy. Let's get some more people down here for these Spartan workouts, your only regret will be that you didn't start sooner... I think people see the word "Spartan" and get initimidated. Granted, you want to be in good shape to come to one of these because I do set these up with a lot of exercises that can challenge you at a very high level.. But they're still designed to challenge you at whatever level you're at today. If you don't want to realize the phenomenal results that I've gotten doing these workouts then stick with your workouts at WOW or Curves. If you want to get in the best possible shape that you can be in then get your butt down here and join us. We're absolutely redefining the fitness world with our functional strength and conditioning workouts...

Some of the people coming to the gym have started leaving testimonials on our white board on the front door... Testimonial of the day:

Couldn't have said it better myself....

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