Friday, November 14, 2008

Workout 11-14

Quick blog about my workout today.. I've been wanting to do a different variation on my 300/3000 workout that I've done with the 300 yds of power wheel and 3000 revolutions on the jumprope.. I've been doing a lot of hand balancing work over the past several months. When I first started out I couldn't hold a handstand if my life depended on it and I could get maybe 3 feet of handstand walking, simply from the momentum of kicking my legs up. But I never gave up and continued to work on it. Now I can hold handstands for a minute and I can handstand walk about 70 or 80 feet without dropping.. Hand balancing is a phenomenal full body workout. Every muscle in the body is engaged and working really hard to keep you upright. I highly recommend adding hand balancing work into all of your workout routines.. Plus it's a lot of fun, and think about it, if you ever need to get work in the circus or cirque du soleil, being able to do handstands is required. 

So my new 300/3000 workout was to go for 300 feet of handstand walking and 3000 revolutions on the jump rope in under 30 minutes.. I split it into 10 sets of 30 feet of handstand walking (made it 9 out of 10 times without dropping) and 300 revolutions on the jump rope (150 forwards, 150 backwards).. Finished the workout in 26:48! I was pretty psyched. It was a great workout.. 

Then my 12:00 kettlebell workout group started coming so I decided to join them for a Steve Maxwell inspired kettlebell workout that included many variations of the Turkish Get Up and different types of kettlebell rows. We wrapped it up with 3:00 minutes of heavy kettlebell swings in a 15:15 format.. Pretty intense 30 minutes of kettlebell workout.. Awesome energy, fantastic full body workout!

All the best,


dave said...

Hey Kev, What kind of rope are you using and what is the weight? I 'd like to get serious with jumping and not sure which to go with, Thanks Dave

Buck said...

Hey Dave,

There's lots of different ropes out there.. I typically like to use something with a little weight since it makes it a lot more difficult on the upper body than one of those really thin speed ropes. I get my ropes from Monkey Bar Gym. I mostly use the power jumprope which is a beaded rope that's really flexible which makes it easier to do things like crossovers. If I'm working on double-unders I use the weighted speed rope which weighs about a pound and is more rigid than the beaded rope. There's also a really heavy version which is almost 2 lbs which is good for shorter (<1min) intervals to give you a really intense, short burst of jumprope work. If you were just going to buy one, I'd start with the beaded rope.. It's the most versatile.

All the best,