Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Visit From North Sparta

We held our first "Spartan Workout" at the gym on Tuesday night and we had a visit from a couple friends from North Sparta which is up near Manchester... Doug and Steve are part of a Sunday morning workout group that regularly scour the internet looking for the craziest workout ideas to give themselves fantastic full body workouts. They tell me stories of pushing pick-up trucks full of gear (uphill), flipping tractor tires across football fields and swinging 20kg kettlebells around their heads on a rope.. Very cool stuff.. I worked out with these guys one Sunday morning and there is a lot of great energy and they put themselves through some amazing full body functional conditioning routines. So I was really psyched that Doug and Steve came down to workout with us.. George also showed up.. George has officially become Dynamic SC's first gym rat, having participated in workouts every day the gym has been open. He even stuck around for a second workout on Monday (but don't tell his wife, she thinks he was shopping for a present for her or something like that).. The Spartan workout was very difficult and the three of them put in a fantastic effort. We started out with rounds of:
Battling Ropes
Plyo Burpees
Ring Pull-ups
Double KB Front Squats
The boys completed 5 rounds in a 30s/30s work to rest ratio. 30 seconds of any one of these exercises kicks your ass, never mind cycling through the four of them one after the other.. After completing 5 rounds of that I had them on the power wheels for 100yds of power wheel crawl (50 forwards, 50 backwards)... Everybody put in max effort and are all looking forward to coming back for more.. Enjoy the highlight reel.. Good work men!

Having watched the guys doing all those plyo-burpees the other night inspired me to add them to my trail run today.. Workout for today: 5 mile trail run, 75 plyo-burpees along the way jumping on various rocks, felled trees, stumps, benches, and mounds of dirt of varying heights from 12 - 30 inches..
Added some pseudo-Planche pushups (3x20) and 6 x 15 second parallette L-sits

All the best,


dave said...

Sounds like fun,,,,,,,,How do I get in touch with those masked men (doug and steve)?

DMartin40 said...

Feel free to email me at Always happy to add to our group. I can send you further details. Email anytime...