We make choices every day that really have minimal impact on the present but have a huge impact on our future.. Choices like deciding to spend Sunday afternoon watching football, drinking a six pack and eating nachos.. Big deal, right? Who's it hurting? There's always tomorrow to exercise and take care of yourself.. So you get up Monday morning, skip breakfast, grab a large coffee with extra cream and sugar, maybe a muffin, and head off to your job.. Maybe you like your job.. Or maybe you're one of those who, when asked how you like your job, respond with a chuckle and say "it pays the bills".. I can always start looking for a better job, eating right, taking care of myself, etc., etc.., tomorrow.. Well, for many of us, tomorrow doesn't come until we're 72 years old with a shelf full of heart, liver, and cholesterol pills, a pack of Depends in the closet and a full one in your pants, wishing you had taken better care of yourself when you were younger. We live in a reactive day and age where we don't pay enough attention to our health and wellness until we get symptoms, and then we react to them. We react by getting a prescription to make them go away.. But that doesn't fix the problem, it just prolongs the eventual (and certain) point where your body has had enough.
It doesn't have to end that way and regardless of what your starting point is today and how you got there, you have the option to re-write the ending. And it all starts with your choices. A choice to not workout is a choice to be unhealthy. A choice to eat pre-packaged meals loaded with refined sugars and processed carbs is a choice to be sick. Colds aren't caught, they're cultivated by not taking care of ourselves. I asked a guy a few weeks ago if he was going to come to the gym once it opened and try a couple workouts. He responded "I'm a smoker.", as if it was his nationality. People have so many excuses. It's inconvenient, it costs too much, I don't have the time.. But they're just that. Excuses. If you don't make the choice to do what it takes to be healthy and strong then you are making the choice to be sick and weak. If you want to be healthy and strong, then make the commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Re-write your ending and join us. It all starts with a choice.
Be Well,
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