Monday, October 27, 2008

Workout 10-26 and 10-27

Just wanted to quickly share a couple great full body workouts with you that I did today and yesterday... Yesterday's workout was my 5 mile trail run with some plyo jumps and plyo pistols followed by 5 x20 of explosive crossover pushups...

alternating with 5x30 of the Corkscrew...

This morning I had another great workout. I started out with 5 minutes of skipping rope to get loose. Then I tried a burpee challenge which I've been wanting to try for a while now but haven't gotten around to.. The burpee challenge is to see how quickly I could do 100 burpees.. These are full burpees with a pushup and a jump. It took me 7:08 to complete the 100 burpees. I did the first 50 without stopping in 2:49.. My goal is to eventually be able to get 100 burpees in under 5:00.. I have a long way to go. Give this a try and let me know how you do.. I followed the 100 burpees up with 100 jackknifes:

Followed by some handstand work....

All great exercises. All with nothing but my bodyweight.. Killer workouts! Train hard my friends...

All the best,

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