Thursday, April 30, 2009

There Are Simply No Excuses..

Getting out of shape for most people is easy. When you stop being active and you eat like crap then you lose your fitness and you lose your health. Many people have stressful, sedentary jobs. They eat from machines and packages. They have coffee for breakfast. They eat dinner at 9:00pm and wash it down with a half bottle of wine. They don't do anything that gets the heart rate up. They look in the mirror and see somebody that looks as though they could have eaten the 18 year old version of themselves and wonder how it got so bad. They get depressed, they get stressed. They want to get back in shape, but they worry about how hard it's going to be and how long it will take. Plus, they have no idea what they need to do to get there. They start making excuses.. Here's the top excuses I hear regularly.

Excuse #1 - I don't have time.

Excuse #2 - I don't know how

Excuse #3 - I can't afford it.

And here's where I destroy any misconceptions you may have :)

Everybody has time. The biggest issue here is the misconception that it takes hours every day to get in shape. If you're limited for time, and many of us are, then you need to make sure you're getting the most out of your time. You need to do intense exercise that is going to raise your metabolism. If you are able to increase your metabolism, then your body burns more calories during your daily activities once you're done exercising. This is the key factor in burning body fat. It's been proven that short periods of high intensity interval training (periods as little as 4 minutes per day) versus hours of aerobic activity will increase the metabolism to the point that your body will burn more than 10x more bodyfat during your regular daily activities. No, I'm not saying that working out 4 minutes per day is all you need to do. 99.99% of people can't push themselves hard enough for those 4 minutes to get the results that the people in the tests did. But 20 minutes of high intensity intervals? Now that's something everybody can highly benefit from... If you think that 30 minutes at 50%-70% of your max heart rate on the treadmill, stationary bike, or elliptical machine is going to raise your metabolism you're wrong. It will burn enough calories to cover the extra cream in your coffee in the morning. Nothing more. If you're into bodybuilding type exercises, then be prepared to spend hours in the gym developing one muscle at a time to develop that inflated, non-functional, injury prone physique that does nothing for you in the real world. If you think you can find at least 20-30 minutes a day to get in shape, then I can give you an amazing, productive workout that will work every single muscle in your body, increase your metabolism and give your body all it can handle using your own bodyweight, kettlebells, medicine balls, sandbags, ropes and other fun stuff to play with. (More on the 30 minute workout later).

You say you can't afford it? I say you can't afford not to. If you're seriously deconditioned and overweight, then you can obviously afford the poor food choices that got you there. If you're spending your free time watching "The Biggest Loser", "American Idol", and "The Sopranos" then you can obviously afford your exorbitant cable and satellite TV bills. If you're hungover once in a while then you can afford to buy booze. How about running the heat a couple degrees cooler in the winter or getting fans instead of AC for the heat and humidity? It's nothing for most people to go out on a Friday night and drop $50 or more on drinks and appetizers with friends. Or $25 on a lunch out with colleagues from work. You can drive through any small, blue collar town of around 10,000 people and there'll be no less than 3 pizza joints that all seem to stay in business. Why do all of these "comforts" come before what matters most? When you're 70 years old with a countertop full of medications that cost you $500 a month after what Medicaid covers are you going to say to yourself, "Shit, I should have taken better care of myself when I was younger"? If you can't afford a few bucks a day now to take care of yourself how the hell are you going to afford the medications to keep you alive when you're a grandparent?

You know you need it, but you don't know what to do to get there? Talk to me. We'll see where you're at, where you want to get to, and I'll put a plan in place to get you there. I'll guide you, motivate you, and hold you accountable to your goals. All you have to do is want it and be willing to put in the effort. I have spent half my life finding the best ways to get in the best shape possible. I am turning 42 in a month and I am easily in the best shape I've ever been in and I continue to get in better shape every day. In the past, I have been in worse shape, mentally and physically, than most people that come through my doors for the first time. I have learned how to turn it around and get to where I am today. There is nobody better to help you get there too.

Don't believe all the hype you see and read in the media. Getting fit doesn't come in the shape of a pill. It will take time and effort, how long it will take will depend on how far you have to go. But, if you're out of shape now, that didn't happen overnight either. Everybody has a different starting point. There's a lot of marketing hype out there promoting easy ways to get fit and lose weight. Anything you read that tells you they have the secret that will help you to lose 20 pounds in 20 days is a crock of shit. There's no secrets and it's not easy. But then again if they told the truth then their marketing slogan would look more like this "Be prepared to work your ass off and use common sense when eating". Not as appealing as "All you have to do is take two of these per day and you can even eat cake!".. Getting yourself fit is a lifestyle, not a prescription. 

At Dynamic Strength and Conditioning we have tons of options for you. There's the group sessions that people are taking advantage of and getting better results than anything they've ever experienced. Everybody is raving about the gym and there are new faces at the gym almost every day! But the group sessions aren't necessarily for everybody when they're first starting out and some people just do better in a smaller group or 1-on-1 situation. We offer one hour personal training sessions that are phenomenal but not everybody has the time or money for this so I've decided to offer something new that fits everybody's schedule, is more affordable, and is guaranteed to get you results in the least amount of time possible.

I'm now offering 30 minute personal training sessions. These can be 1 on 1 or can be small groups of people. Using primarily bodyweight exercises and kettlebell exercises I will give you a high intensity workout that will build incredible full body strength, muscular endurance, and explosive power. Your metabolism will go up by an order of magnitude (as long as you're fueling your body properly) and you will definitely lose body fat. A better analogy would be that you'll be working your body in such a way that it will scare the fat off your body :) As for the "fueling your body properly" part, many people think they're eating well until I take them through a nutritional assessment. A nutritional assessment with recommendations will be provided to everybody signing up for personal training. Everybody who works with me and has implemented my guidance on their nutritional intake has seen inches of bodyfat come off their bodies.

Nobody can tell me they can't find 30 minutes, 2 or 3 times per week, to work with me on getting their health and wellness in order. "Kevin, are you trying to tell me I only have to do this 2 or 3 times per week and I'm all set?".... Ummmm, no, that would be a lie and it would be irresponsible for me to have you believe that. The two or three times per week with me is what you need to get on track, get incredible workouts in, and get the right guidance. You also need to find time on the days when you're not with me to continue the work that we're doing in the gym. This may be taking part in group sessions at the gym. It could be half hour trail runs. It could be bike rides. It could be going for a walk or playing with the kids. It could be you doing the Dynamic Strength and Conditioning Workout of the Day on your own.. But you need to work some kind of activity into practically every day.

"But, coach, I can't afford personal training..."... With 30 minute sessions, I'm able to offer the most time and cost effective form of personal training available. And if you can find 2 or 3 friends to do it with it can cost you as little as about $15 per session. Less than a half decent bottle of wine or a large pepper and onion pizza would cost you. Honestly, I am the wrong person to offer excuses to.

If you're serious about getting in shape, then make the commitment to it and stop making excuses, because there really aren't any. Come on down and talk to me and we'll put a plan in place to get you exactly where you want to be.




Fitness By Design said...

Hey Kevin, I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy reading all your blog post. I agree there are no excuses and you have to really want it! Youre blog post are inspiring to me as a trainer and a coach, I just wish you were located closer to me so I could train with you. I like your intensity! Keep up the great work. Rob Hudson

Buck said...

Thanks Rob. I'm also a big fan of what you're doing at your gym in Indy! Sounds like you're really changing lives with your fitness boot camps. Would be great to have you out in September for Steve Maxwell's workshops here at the gym, or even sooner if you're in the area.
