Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm a Student First

People come to Dynamic Strength and Conditioning for a number of reasons. In no particular order I believe that list includes the following:
- It's fun
- Great energy
- Killer workouts
- They are able to challenge the body and mind at a very high level
- Incredible results

I also like to think that people come to our gym because they are confident in the training they receive. I am always looking to provide all of our members with the best, most effective ways to get in the best shape of their lives. I am always researching information from the top trainers in the world. I pore through hundreds of websites sorting out the pretenders from the real thing, and trust me, there are tons of pretenders out there. I seek out the greatest physical culturists in the world and look for opportunities to train under them. I am a student before all else. Every day I learn. I learn from the trainers I train under. I learn from the people that come to the gym. I learn from my daughter's girls U10 soccer team that I coach. I take what I learn and I bring it back to you at the gym.

As most of you know, I'm currently at a kettlebell trainer certification being given by Steve Maxwell. Steve is the first person in the country to train people with kettlebells and is widely known as one of the top 2 or 3 kettlebell trainers in the world. (I've already been certified by Steve Cotter, one of the other top 2 or 3 :) ... Maxwell has done everything imaginable with a kettlebell. He has about 30 years experience with kettlebells, has made every mistake known to man and has learned from every one of them. That's what makes him such a phenomenal trainer. He tries new things, learns from his mistakes, and imparts the lessons to his students. 

As a student myself, this is a great learning experience for me. I've found that at any given seminar or certification that I go to, there are three things that happen every time:
1. I get positive reinforcement of what I'm doing right
2. I find out what I'm doing wrong
3. I learn new stuff that I never knew before
At the certification today, Steve used my form as a demo to the entire group of how to do things right on 3 different exercises; swing, windmill, double clean.. This was very cool positive reinforcement to come from him. I also found out that the way I had been doing the jerk was not the most efficient way to do it. Additionally, and most importantly, I've learned many new ways to fix faults with the form of people who train with kettlebells. That's the part I like the best, learning how to make all of you better. And I hope that when you think about all the reasons you come to our gym, that's one of the reasons you think of. Every time you come through the door you'll get personalized attention to your form and we will strive to make you better.

We've created something pretty special at Dynamic Strength and Conditioning that you won't ever find at your chrome and fern palaces loaded with machines and mirrors.. It's a very personalized experience, where you know everybody else, you're all in it together for the same reasons, we all support each other and push each other. Michele and I are always improving ourselves, training ourselves, learning from our mistakes, and learning from each of you in order to make your experience the best possible. I guarantee you that part will never change.


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