I'm not one to intentionally use dramatic overstatements to prove a point.. Sometimes my passion for things comes across as a little over the top to people that don't share the same level of appreciation for a certain topic as I do. But that doesn't mean I'm over-emphasizing a point, it just means that you may not appreciate it as much as I do.... yet... So when I say that what we do at Dynamic will change your life, there are people who haven't worked out with us that will shake their head and say "he's taking himself way too seriously", as they head off to Gold's to do 3 sets of 10 biceps curls, followed up by 3 sets of 20 minutes at the water cooler. But for most of the people that work out with us, they get it, and they know I'm not overstating it. Let me give you an example. Jay and Nancy had Michele and I over their house a week ago for a Christmas get together and both of them couldn't say enough great things about what working out with us has done for them. I kept hearing, "It changed my life", as Jay would tell stories to his friends about the transformation in his life since working out with us. Here's a guy who is now running Dynamic-style workouts at lunchtime in a garage outside his office in Hampton where he gets 75% participation from the office of 32 workers! The people at his office love coming to work because they can't wait to see what Jay's got in store for them at lunchtime and they are feeling better than they ever have. His passion for what we do has now transformed the lives of the people he works with. His son, Jack, who also works out with us, wrote a paper for school. Topic was "a moment that changed your life".. He chose the day his father ran into me at Home Depot, we talked for about 10 minutes, and he decided he was going to work out at Dynamic. Jack chose this topic because it changed his father's life so much that it had a direct and substantial positive impact on his own. Jack also started working out with us almost 2 years ago. He just finished his first season ever playing organized football and won the MVP on his high school team. This is not an isolated event. Ask some of our trainers, like Niko, Nicole, George and Chris.. They became so passionate about what we do, that they made a commitment to share the passion by becoming trainers at the gym.
Let me ask you this, how many people do you know have ever said to you, "You have to check out Best Fitness, it is incredible, I'm in better shape than when I was playing college football. No shit, this place has changed my life!". I'm going to go grab another cup of coffee while you think about that........ OK, I'm back. Anybody? Didn't think so. But I'm not here to blast Best or Gold's or any of the other Chrome and Fern palaces. This is about the gift that I gave myself the day I stopped going to places like that. I gave myself a gift of life.. Overstatement? Not if you "get it". As much as what we do will transform you physically, the mental transformation is far greater. Working out on machines and doing bodybuilding type workouts is relatively easy and doesn't get your body ready for the real world. That's why so few get positive results from it. If it's not that much of a challenge, it's boring, and it doesn't get you significant results, then it doesn't do much for you mentally.. Managing your own bodyweight, lifting heavy loads, working at maximum heart rate, and pushing yourself to your limits is hard. When done right, it's also exhilirating. It makes you physically strong, but it makes you mentally stronger. And it makes you feel so damn good that it's like a drug and you can't get enough of it. When you feel that good, you start to look for other ways to feel even better. You start eating better, you start sleeping better, you make better lifestyle choices. You get stronger, leaner, more energetic. You want to share it with everybody you know and get them hooked on it too. This is the gift. Mentally and physically, I am stronger at 43 than at any other time in my life, I continue to get stronger, and I am on a never-ending mission to give this gift to everybody who wants it. There was a time when I shared in the exasperation that I get from the people who are at their wits end. "I need something different! I can't take this anymore! I have to bite the bullet!" No more. That will never be me. It will never be Jay or Nancy or Jack. It'll never be Niko or Nicole. Once you figure it out, you will never go back either. Once you get the gift. This isn't an overstatement. It is, quite simply, the result of what we do.
Thanks for reading, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
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