Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Guaranteed Return on Investment

There are two investments that you can make in life with guaranteed returns. A 100% guarantee to pay off. Both investments have a 100% success rate, but in opposite directions.. Both of these investments are investments in yourself. The first is a commitment to inadequate exercise and unhealthy habits. The guaranteed return on this is that you will be fat, out of shape, sick and weak.. Hmmm, sounds appealing, no? The second investment in yourself is to get adequate exercise, eat healthy, and make the right choices. This has a guaranteed return of higher energy levels, a stronger, leaner body, and great state of mind.. If I offered you the option of either investment which would you choose? Would it make any sense to choose the first option? Of course not. So why, when we walk around town, through airports, shopping malls, or beaches, are we surrounded by thundering herds of severely deconditioned people who have obviously chosen the first investment? I wish I knew the answer, but I have a couple guesses... And this may seem like a bit of a rant, probably because it is....

First, it's easy to be fat and weak. Too easy. It's easy to buy nutritionless foods in the supermarkets and eat out at places that load their "healthy" meal choices with butter and cream sauces. It's easy to skip the workout because there's a TV show or game that you wanted to watch, or because you wanted to grab a beer with co-workers. We live in a society of luxuries based on instant gratification with a short-sighted approach to living. The attitude is that if you wake up on the right side of the dirt then you must be doing something right. Even if you don't feel great. Eventually this catches up to a person and they will go from not feeling great to feeling awful. Self-esteem plummets, depression sets in, they feel like shit all the time. Sickness and disease follow. If you're reading this thinking I'm trying to use scare tactics on you you're wrong. This is how it works in the real world. How many funerals have you gone to where they're burying somebody who should have been able to live a lot longer and the talk always revolves around "this wouldn't have happened if they only.........."? And then you're driving home making a new commitment to taking care of yourself so the same thing doesn't happen to you, only to have that commitment fade within a few days. I'm not using scare tactics, I'm speaking from experience.

There's lots of excuses out there too. This is because it's actually hard work to get in shape and stay in shape. The rewards are outstanding, but it's hard work to get there. Like anything in life, you get out of it what you put into it.. If you don't like to work hard for the results you want, then you better get comfortable in your jeans with the 40 inch waist. And enough about how the economy sucks and it's so expensive to get in shape. reports that the average car payment in the US is $479 a month with a 5 yr term. The average credit card debt that people carry is $10,600. There's lots of choices what to do with your money out there, and most people choose to invest it in things that don't necessarily help to keep them in shape. Is it more important to drive a $30,000 car and get a new one every three years, or would it make more sense to drive a car into the ground (they can last up to 15-20 years you know) and spend the money you would save on car payments on training to get in ridiculous shape with an expert trainer? What says more about you, the body of the car you drive or your own body? Exercising is free. Motivation is free. If you don't know the right way to exercise or can't provide the motivation on your own then you have to pay a professional to get you there. This is a financial investment that will be the best financial investment you ever make if you pick the right professional. The World Health Organization recently finished a study proving that every $1 invested in physical activity yields reduced medical expenses of $3.20 over time. That's a 320% return on your money. That's just the financial part of it. You can't put a price on the feeling you get from the energy levels, the increased self-esteem, and the strength and overall well-being you achieve. Being fat and weak is not a condition, it's a choice. If being fat and weak is more important to you than being strong and lean, then admit it and don't make excuses as to why you can't start a program to get in shape.

Learned habits are tough to break. There are 25 million obese children in America. 25 Million!!! That is insanity. Who's fault is it? The child? These kids are going to grow up obese thinking that video games, lack of exercise and eating Ding Dongs is a way of life.. What do you think their kids are going to be like? I work with people on their nutrition at the gym. I've had people get phenomenal weight loss and fat loss results when they work with me. Some have asked me what would I recommend for "kid friendly" meals for their kids.. Let's see, how about lean meats, fish, vegetables and fruits? When you buy baby foods from Gerber, you get bananas, peas, beans, carrots, squash, applesauce, etc... So why when they're old enough for solid foods do people start loading them up with sugary cereals, pop tarts, and hot dogs. Why do people feed shit to their kids that they wouldn't eat themselves? Is that what "kid friendly" means? If your kid is obese it's your fault, not theirs.

OK, enough of the rant... I feel a little better now. It's just frustrating to me when I know how important being in shape and feeling great is to so many people but then they don't want to do what it takes to get there or they make up excuses. I've put together a phenomenal 3 month training program that starts on October 5th. Anybody who is involved in this program and makes a commitment to it by showing up at least 3x a week, and complements it with healthy eating habits and an active weekend, (getting up to go to the fridge and bathroom during commercial breaks in the football games does not qualify as "active"), is guaranteed to get phenomenal results. Increased energy. Fat loss. Increased strength and endurance. Better self-esteem. On the "Quality of Life" index, you will make great gains. If this doesn't fit your schedule, then talk to me about semi-private training on a schedule that meets yours. As great as the results are in my group training programs, my semi-private clients get even better results because I customize a program specifically for them and they get more attention than they would in a bigger group. More attention typically yields more motivation which yields higher effort which yields better results. Yes, it's more money, but it's less than an average car payment. Again, decide what's important to you and don't make excuses. If coming to the gym is too far out of the way for you then I can provide a personal training program for you to do on your own. It includes fitness assessments and a customized program that you can do on your own with minimal equipment on your own time. You also get unlimited access to me and I will hold you accountable to the program. If it wasn't that way then it would be a waste of your money and a waste of my time. Neither of which makes any sense.

I have an investment opportunity for you that is 100% guaranteed to pay off. The choice is yours whether to take advantage of it or not.

All the best,


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