Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Sandwich I'm in No Hurry to Repeat...

Today's workout was a Power Wheel Crawl/Kettlebell Complex Sandwich. This is the same workout that the Spartans are suffering through today at the gym. The way it works is I have 100 kettlebell complexes sandwiched between two 100 yard power wheel crawls. I started the workout with 100 yards of power wheel crawl in the gym. 10 yards up, 10 yards back, 5 times without touching my knees to the ground.. Tough start to the workout. Then it's on to the 100 kettlebell complexes.. The kettlebell complex is a compound exercise grouping together several kettlebell exercises. For this particular complex, one rep was equal to a 1 arm snatch into a windmill into a thruster..

I wanted to push myself to the max today so I used a 24kg kettlebell which is 35% of my bodyweight. I've done 100 snatches with a 24k before but I've never done 100 windmills or thrusters with a 24kg, and I've certainly never done them in this format with this much weight. As expected, this workout brutalized me. I broke it down to 5 reps on each side for 10 rounds. After the first round I wasn't sure I was going to make 10 rounds with the 24k. The thruster at the end of each rep was very difficult, especially on my left side. Beyond the 5th round was as much mental as it was physical to continue. By the 6th or 7th round I would walk 5 times around the kettlebell for rest after 5 reps on each side, cursing the stupid weight as if it was its fault I was in so much pain. I got through all 100 reps, rested 30 seconds and strapped the Power Wheel back on for the last 100 yards. 100 yards of power wheel crawl was significantly more difficult at this point in the workout than it was at the beginning. I got 60 yards without stopping, rested 5 breaths and finished the last 40 yards.. Total time for the workout was 30:15. Could have went lighter for speed but I wanted to use a submax weight for power today. Brutal workout. So glad I won't be doing that one again for a while :)



Kimberly Sabatino said...

I will second the "A sandwich I am in NO hurry to repeat". What a great workout- thank you again. Kim

Buck said...

Haha.. I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did :)