Thursday, March 5, 2009

Need More Motivation? Tell Somebody What You're Up To..

I've said here many times how setting goals is such a key way to continually challenge yourself to reach new levels. For me, it's a great motivator to push myself on a regular basis. When I set a goal it's typically something that will take a great deal of effort, pain, determination, mental and physical strength.. But sometimes I need something more for motivation. I'm pretty good about holding myself accountable to my goals, but there's always going to be a time when you want to let up a little bit. I've found that by telling people about my goals, it not only holds me accountable to myself, it also holds me accountable to the people that are now counting on me to come through. So when I'm sitting inside on my bike and I start thinking about how much it sucks to be riding my bike indoors and what's the point anyways since my big race isn't until August, I then think about the many people who I've told about my goal. There's a handful of people from the gym who are even going to come to Mt Washington to watch me race and cheer me on! So how can I possibly let them down? I can't and I won't.. And this is what got me through my interval session on the bike rollers yesterday when I was really not too psyched about spending another second riding indoors. So if you need more motivation to get fit, lose weight, run a marathon, race in your first triathlon, go back to school, quit drinking or smoking, whatever... Tell somebody you're doing it. The more people that are counting on you to come through, the more motivation you'll have to do it.. Trust me, I know.

Workout yesterday consisted of the Spartan Workout from the night before:
20-40-60-40-20  28kg kettlebell swings (no putting the kb down)
15-30-45-30-15 pushups
10-20-30-20-10 28kg goblet squats
5-10-15-10-5 20kg Renegade Rows
This took me 18:49.. The 60 consecutive swings with a 28kg were brutal! Doing 20 and 30 28kg goblet squats while your HR is at about 90% makes it feel like an elephant is standing on your chest. This was a really difficult workout.. After about 5:00 minutes of recovery I did a 6 min set of one arm snatch with a 16kg for 130 snatches (65 on each arm).. Forearms were pretty cooked after all the swings.
Followed the snatches up with 1 hour on the rollers.. 10 minute warmup followed by 5 intervals where I'd go at tempo (about 225W) for the length of one song and then recover with easy pedaling (about 120W) for one song.. About the third interval I needed that added motivation I was talking about.. I thought of Michele and the other people who have said they're going to come to Mt W to watch me race. A great Zeppelin song came on the iPod for my last interval, Bron Y Aur Stomp off Zeppelin III.. I cranked my power output up to 275W+ (my target Mt W power level) and held it for the 4:16 of the song.. Felt pretty good. To everybody who reads this, now that I've told all of you about my goals I expect you all to hold me accountable. Thanks for helping to motivate me :)


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