We completed the Downtown Nashua Dynamic Fitness Challenge yesterday in the middle of a massive snowstorm that has dumped about a foot and half of snow on us over the weekend. Everybody was in good spirits and even a little nervous with the butterflies you get in your stomach the day of a big event. The Dynamic Fitness Challenge was a 60 day fitness event where 12 people from the Nashua area signed on for 3 workouts a week for 8 weeks. We performed body measurements and fitness assessments at the beginning so we had something to compare to at the end of The Challenge. The fitness "test" was a workout in what we call a "Prison" format where you do descending numbers of repetitions of each exercise for each round. In this particular workout the challengers needed to complete rounds of 10-9-8-7 down to 1 repetition of each of the following: Pushups, Situp and Reach, Burpees, Body Rows, and Box Jumps. At the end, prizes were given to best overall time and best improvement in time for both men and women.. You'll see a chart at the end of the video that shows the improvements everybody made. Absolutely outstanding!
The results of this Challenge were phenomenal. Everybody lost between 1 and 2 inches off their waist measurements.. The men added inches of muscle to their arms and thighs. The women took inches off their hips. Their fitness level improved so much that their times in the Challenge decreased by as much as 55%! To watch the improvements these people made over the past 2 months was a true inspiration and it made me and Michele incredibly proud to have been involved with the group.
We're starting the next 60 Day Challenge on January 5th and still have some spots available.. I guarantee that if you stick with the program you will get results that you didn't think were possible..
Enjoy the video!
All the best,
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