Sunday, March 14, 2010

How Hard Do You Work When Nobody's Looking?

How hard do you work when nobody's looking? Does it elicit involuntary screams that nobody can hear? Does it force you to question whether you really want it that bad? Do you collapse, pick yourself back up, and do it again? Do you come close to tears because you know it's either harden the fuck up and bury yourself or quit? Is it all or nothing for you? How badly do you want it? How hard do you work when nobody's looking?

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I lose sleep. My Back will hurt, my legs will fall asleep and my hands will be shaking, I'll forget I have to go pee - that's when no one is looking. I write, draw, paint - sometimes until my hands cramp up so bad they are tiger claws and I can't go anymore. Then I try to sleep but can't, so I switch to pencil and paper instead.